Seattle City Light Video Program Records 1977-1995 1982-1984


Seattle City Light Video Program Records 1977-1995 1982-1984

Video and slide show production files

2.2 cubic feet; 6 boxes



SNAC Resource ID: 6369602

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

Seattle City Light (corporateBody)

Seattle Dept. of Lighting and Water Works created in 1890; city charter amendment in 1910 created the Lighting Dept.; in 1951 the Department purchased the private electrical power supply operations in Seattle; current name of the agency was adopted in 1978 when the Department was reorganized. Seattle approved the purchase of the land and money for construction of the plant in 1913; construction began in 1914, and was finished in 1917. Additions were made in 1918 and 1921. The plant was decommiss...